Sometimes life shoots you a curve ball and all you can do is take a swing. The weekend of January 15th, my world got flipped, turned upside down. I went in for a routine ultrasound to check on Baby Anderson (at 28 weeks) when the nurse (later confirmed by my doctor) informed me and my husband that my baby had no heartbeat. 3 days later, January 18, 2016, after having my labor induced I gave birth to Derrek Jerrell Anderson Jr. (aka DJ) at 6:48AM. My baby was the cutest sight I've ever seen. He literally was my sleeping angel! I wasn't able to blog let alone do much else last week trying to recover physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But this week I am trying to get back into the swing of things.
Yesterday, while most of the east coast was recovering from the massive snowstorm that hit, the sun was out and shining brightly here in GA. Our pastor preached about finding the blessings in whatever situation you are going through. So I took his message and soaked up each ray that touched my melanin skin during this photo shoot after Sunday service. I used this moment to thank God for the blessing of shining on me even during one of the toughest moments in my life. For my first Sunday back post - delivery I chose to rock a casual yet comfortable look that was inspired by a look I saw on Pinterest. I paired my faux leather baseball cap with my faux leather pants, blush duster vest, gray sweater, and black wedges. I've worn this outfit before prior to seeing the Pinterest inspiration pic (simply swapping the faux leather baseball cap with my black fedora and adding a collared shirt underneath the sweater). I love how you can dress this look up or down by swapping just a few subtle accessories.
My OOTD inspiration |
Outfit Details: Faux Leather Baseball Cap (Forever 21), Faux Leather Pants (JC Penney), Sweater (Forever 21), Blush Duster Vest (Forever 21), Wedges (Target), Round Gold - Rimmed Sunnies (Forever 21), Feather Earrings (Charlotte Russe)
Today marks my new normal and I am trying to adjust to that. The only way I know how is by continuously finding the blessings (whether the blessings are front and center or hidden gems that are sometimes overlooked when we're so focused on the negativity) and pushing past the pain by smiling and soaking up the sun! I pray that whatever situation you're going through you're able to keep a smile on your face. I pray that your outer swag, matches your inner beauty and peace. And most of all I pray a blessing over you on this great Monday morning. No more "case of the Mondays!" We're going to celebrate life today and all the endless possibilities that we have to do exceptional things today.
I hope you conquer your Monday with boldness :)