Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dreaming in 'Monochromatic" Color

First and foremost I want to apologize for being ghost the past few days. It has been hectic since I've last blogged. I went on a trip home, to Michigan! Which was non - stop action (shopping, catching up with friends, enjoying family, and great food). I have some fun post planned about that trip so stay tuned. I also, have been assigned to a new project at work, so my day is a more jam packed with less down time to blog. But nonetheless, I've missed my finger tips hitting the keys to my Macbook to bring you the latest and greatest in fashion! Since my day is just as chaotic as today, consider this a late night/early morning post (I promise I will try to do better...but I may not be able to post Monday through Friday the next couple of weeks, FYI)! But let's get to the task at hand.

OK, so I've mentioned this word monochromatic in a few posts previously. So I'm sure you are have heard this term (at least from this site, if not from somewhere else).  To recap monochromatic means:

a.) A boring fashion look
b.) A fancy word for color blocking
c.) Wearing a plethora of patterns
d.) Wearing the same color from head to toe

If you chose d, you are correct. Monochromatic simply means you are wearing the same color (or colors from the same color family/scheme) from head to toe. Although monochromatic means wearing one specific color it doesn't mean that your outfit has to be one note. Since Fall is here and in full effect here are some cool colors to play up with the monochromatic trend.

Jewel Tones: Purples, Ruby Red, Sapphire, Teal etc.
Neutrals: Gray, Black, White, Camel (Tan), Cognac, Cream etc. 

Take notes from these singers, actors, and models on how to pull off this awesome trend.

 Are you dreaming in "monochromatic" color yet? 

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